Categories Of Membership
Active Membership: ($35.00 annual)
Shall be restricted to public officials and personnel actively engaged in any government department or board engaged in administration or formulation of laws or the enforcement of ordinances relating to buildings, including building, structural, plumbing, heating and electrical services, housing, city planning, zoning, or fire department officials.
Associate Membership: ($35.00 annual)
Shall be restricted to persons that are currently students or educators of course work directly related to the purpose of this Association. Associate Members may attend the regular meetings of this Association called in accordance with Article VIII of the bylaws and may be a member of a Committee, but may not vote or hold other office in the Association.
Honorary Membership: (No annual dues)
Shall be awarded to those field related non-members that exhibit exemplary behavior, perform services for the Association, or act in an official capacity with Building Officials and Code Administrators, International, Inc., and other dignitaries and persons of stature in the fields of activity in which this association is engaged. Honorary members shall be voted on an unanimous vote of the Board of Directors. Honorary member shall receive the newsletter of the Association, but shall have no other rights of membership.
Honorary Life Membership: (No annual dues)
Shall be limited to ten members and shall be restricted to any person who was an active member of this Association and has rendered meritorious service in the fields of activity in which this Association is engaged. Shall be awarded such membership by a unanimous vote of any quorum meeting of the Board of Directors. Honorary Life members shall have all rights and privileges of an Active Member, with exception of holding office.
Retired Membership: (No annual dues)
Shall be restricted to any person who was an Active Member of this Association for a period of five (5) years and is not qualified for membership in any other category. Retired Members shall have all rights and privileges of an Active Member, with the exception of holding office.
Participating Membership: ($40.00 annual)
Shall be restricted to such companies or industries whose businesses are of concern to the membership of this Association and whose desire to participate in the activities of this Association. Participating membership shall be issued in the company names designating the individual who are to receive such correspondence as may be involved.