Voter Validation For the 2024–2026 Code Development Schedule

Members, for those who haven’t, please make sure you validate your voting rights for ICC. The deadline is fast approaching: September 21.  Right now, Missouri only has 36 voting representatives. It is vital to participate in the process as a government member. We must interpret, enforce, modify, and deal with every code; our say is what matters most to us, not lobbyists or special interest groups. Please register and participate in forming the next code cycle if you can. You can participate online through cdp Access, attendance to the hearings is not required.

The voting opportunities that will occur during this year’s code development cycle for properly validated GMVRs include:

  • In-person voting at the Public Comment Hearing, and;
  • The online voting for the Governmental Consensus Vote that follows the Public Comment Hearing (via cdpACCESS).

Board of Directors Slate- 2024-2025

Members, below are the board members up for re-election in 2023-2024. The vote will be held at our annual free educational seminar at Sybergs,

President – Jeff Center
Vice President – Gregory Tate
Executive Secretary – Chris Hyland
Recording Secretary – Dale Nicolas
Membership Secretary –Tim Jeffries
Treasurer – Tom Lard
Past President –Will Penney
Director – Chris Gaw
Director – Jeff Bextermueller
Director – Brian Decarlo
Director – Jeff Carter
Director – Brian Butts
Director – Rick Meister

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