The Missouri Association of Building Officials and Inspectors (MABOI), a not-for profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri, has adopted a set of ByLaws and amended as necessary to meet the mission of the organization. ByLaws are proposed, recommended by the Board of Directors, and ratified by the membership.
Amendment Date: September 17, 2015
Notable Changes:
- Expanding the method of providing notice
- Expansion of the duties of the Auditing Committee
- Creating a Technology Committee
- Modernizing some language and abilities
- Clarification of confusing or contradictory language
- Changing some dates to better reflect current strategies
Document: MABOI Constitution and ByLaws – Final Amendment 150917
Amendment Date: September 15, 2011
Notable Changes:
Document: MABOI Constitution and ByLaws – Final Amendment 110915