Upcoming Educational Schedule

Upcoming Social Events

Employment Opportunities

To post an opportunity, please email a complete description to [email protected]

Interested in pursuing a career as a code professional? Start right here.

Our Mission…  

MABOI is an association for training and education in the fields of building, fire, and code enforcement.


Find It!

MABOI has simplified our menus.  Information is found in three areas:

  1. Quick Links: Found below the header, this menu has the most often searched information.
  2. Recent MABOI Posts: Located to the right of the content, this menu shows the most recent posts sent out by e-mail.
  3. Content Pages: Located at the bottom in the footer, this menu contains pages not often visited such as bylaws, committee information, the board of directors listing, etc.

Contact Us

If you need to contact MABOI, please contact the appropriate person below:

Mail Us

Need to send us a payment, form, etc.?  MABOI, 12685 Dorsett Rd #308, Maryland Heights, MO 63043

Post a Job Opening

MABOI posts job openings in building, fire and code enforcement free of charge to jurisdictions.  MABOI membership is not required to post a job.  Please send any requested postings to [email protected].  (Note: MABOI reserves the right to not post job openings if the posting is not consistent with the mission of the organization.)