Committees 2020

Annual Conference Committee

Chairman: Chris Schlumm

Committee Member: Vacant

Committee Member: Vacant

Committee Member: Vacant

Requirements: The Annual Conference Committee shall be composed of at least three members of which one shall be a member of the Board of Directors and of which not more than one may be an Honorary Life or Retired Member. It shall be the function of this committee to set the time, place, and make all necessary arrangements for the annual conference of this Association.

Auditing Committee

Chairman: Greg Tate

Committee Member: Vacant  (Non-Board Member)

Committee Member: Vacant  (Non-Board Member)

Committee Member: Vacant (Non-Board Member)

Consultant: None

Requirements: The Auditing Committee shall be composed of at least three members of which one shall be a member of the Board of Directors and of which not more than one may be an Honorary Life or Retired Member and shall have at least one member not presently serving on the Board of Directors. It shall be the function of the Auditing Committee to examine the books and records of the Treasurer and the Board of Directors at least once annually and report to the floor at one regular business session each year of their findings.

By-laws & Resolutions Committee

Chairman: Mark Zaiontz

Committee Member: Joe Moore

Committee Member: Vacant

Requirements: The Bylaws and Resolutions Committee shall be composed of at least three members of which one shall be a member of the Board of Directors and of which not more than one may be Honorary Life or Retired Members and shall have at least one member not presently serving on the Board of Directors. It shall be the function of the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee to review and make recommendations to the Executive Board on all proposed amendments to the constitution and Bylaws and to consider any and all resolutions presented for their consideration and to prepare in proper form and to present same to the Executive Secretary at the opening of the next regular business session of any convention if in their judgment such resolution merits the consideration of the meeting. Any Active, Honorary Life, or Retired Member may present a resolution to the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee for their consideration, however, such resolution must be presented to the Chairman of the Committee at least two hours before the opening of the business session. If in the judgment of the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee, such resolution is not worthy of the consideration of the meeting, the member presenting same may appeal to the Board of Directors which shall reconsider said resolution and recommend their decision to the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee in which case, the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee shall reconsider the resolution and the action of the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee shall govern the disposal of the resolution in question.

Education Committee

Chairman: Neil Fick

Committee Member: Robert Poteet III

Committee Member: Neil Fick

Committee Member:Vacant

Requirements: The Education Committee shall be composed of at least three members of which one shall be a member of the Board of Directors and of which not more than one may be an Honorary Life or Retired Member and shall have at least one member not presently serving on the Board of Directors. It shall be the function of the Education Committee to plan all of the educational/training seminars and conferences of this Association. It is also the responsibility of this committee to continue to keep the membership abreast of new technologies and developments in the construction and fire protection fields.

Legislative Committee

Chairman: David Astuto

Committee Member: Vacant

Committee Member: Vacant (Non-Board of Directors Member)

Requirements: The Legislative Committee shall be composed of at least three members of which one shall be a member of the Board of Directors and of which not more than one may be an Honorary Life or Retired Members and shall have at least one member not presently serving on the Board of Directors. It shall be the function of the Legislative Committee to sponsor legislation pertaining to the welfare of the inspectors and their respective departments as well as to watch and influence against legislation which might be harmful to the inspectors or might tend to handicap them or their departments in their services.

Long-Range Planning Committee

Chairman: Joe Kovac

Committee Member: Vacant

Committee Member: Vacant

Requirements: The Long-Range Planning Committee shall be comprised of at least three members. The Chairperson of this committee shall be a member of the Board of Directors. This committee’s objective shall be to assist the Board of Directors in planning the program of activities to meet MABOI objectives. The Long-Range Planning Committee shall review and evaluate existing activities to evaluate future MABOI needs and make recommendations for changes or new activities.

Membership Committee

Chairman: Matt Whitwell

Committee Member: Vacant

Committee Member: Vacant

Requirements: The Membership Committee shall be composed of at least three members of which one shall be the Membership Secretary and of which not more than one may be an Honorary Life or Retired Member and shall have at least one member not presently serving on the Board of Directors. It shall be the function of the Membership Committee to attempt in every possible way in its command to enlarge the Membership of this Association. They shall pass upon all applications for membership and submit their recommendations concerning the Applicant to the Board of Directors for their approval. They shall hear all and any evidence against any member or in behalf of any member in any matter pertaining to revoking of a membership and shall submit their recommendation to the Board of Directors for their final action in the matter.

Nominations & Awards Committee

Chairman: Robert Poteet

Committee Member: Vacant

Committee Member: Vacant

Committee Member: Vacant

Requirements: The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of at least three members one of whom shall be the immediate Past President who shall serve as the Committee Chairman and two shall be current members of the Executive Board not seeking re-election or election to another office. The other committee members shall be Active Members who do not hold any other offices nor shall any member seek or accept a nomination for any office.

Technology Committee

Chairman: Chris Gaw

Committee Member: Vacant

Duties: Develop and maintain the web page and social media for MABOI, and review any technology needs for the organization.






Special Committees

Code Review Committee

Chairman: Eric Powers

Committee Member: Vacant

Committee Member: Vacant


Any committee action(s) on the issuance of code review comments, interpretations, policy statements and code change requests and/or evaluations shall be initiated solely upon the consensus of the MABOI Board of Directors.

  1. Present code change request(s).
  2. Issue informational notes on current and potential code changes to the MABOI Membership.
  3. Provide code interpretations.
  4. Provide joint reviews of current codes and preliminary code change requests.


All reviews and comments will be provided to MABOI Membership with the understanding that final action is to be determined by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction.

Historical Committee

Chairman: Jeff Center

Committee Member: Jared Agee

Duties: Prepare and maintain historical records for MABOI.

Newsletter Committee

Chairman: Chris Gaw

Committee Member: Eric Powers

Requirements: The Newsletter Committee shall be composed of at least three members of which one shall be a member of the Board of Directors and of which not more than one may be an Honorary Life or Retired Member. It shall be the function of this committee to prepare and distribute the official publication of this Association at least Quarterly.

Scholarship Committee

Chairman: Dale Nicolas

Committee Member: Neil Fick

Committee Member: Vacant

Duties: Plans and awards MABOI scholarships.

Social Events / Fundraising Committee

Chairman: Greg Tate

Committee Member: Vacant

Duties: Plan, schedule, purchase, cook, clean-up, plan games for young and old for our Annual Picnic.